It is the Monday before our transfer. Two days from now, at this time, I will be ready and on a table, waiting for them to transfer my little butter bean in to place...
I am getting excited!! I am nervous, but mostly hopeful. As of right now, I have no reason to be anything other than optimistic, and so, I will hold on to that.
My backside is SORE. Jason has done a phenomenal job giving me my progesterone injections. I am glad he is a strong guy- they are tough to administer, and I imagine if he was struggling to push the PIO out of the syringe, I would be barking or crying... As it it, I am sore just from having thick medicine injected in my backside. I ice the area until it is numb to do the injections, and they don't hurt- I feel some pressure, but never pain. Then, J rubs it for a little while. The next day is when it is sore. But I can push through the pain. My only fear is that Jason won't be able to give me a shot one night, and I will have to do it myself. It makes me a little nervous to think about that!!
I am trying very hard to practice patience. It is HARD for me, but I am trying to distract myself. I know I will need to be good at it while I wait until my Beta test. I am already having the dilemma of doing the home pregnancy test, or not. And I am honestly not sure right now whether I will or I won't. Hopefully, Jason and I can chat about it and decide together. We will see...right now just counting down the days.
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