Monday, July 28, 2014

Pokey, Hokey?

I had an appointment for another round of acupuncture today.  I went in and Dr. St. Clair met with me for a follow up before going in to stick me.  She took my pulses and asked me questions about how I was feeling after the last appointment.  Then we went back and she did some needles in my back and feet.  After that round, we went on to the next round in my face, stomach, legs and feet.  The feet ones always hurt the most.  And when they go in, I feel a zing that goes all the way up my body and out my arms.   I was not a huge believer, but feeling that each time has made me a little more inclined to believe.

Ok, I just lost my train of thought...the TV is on and I heard a commercial on an extreme parenting show and a mom said, "Sex is just a hug that involves our genitals." and I AM JUST ALL WTF? So BIZARRE!

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