Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Back in the Stirrups

Today was the first day of monitoring.  It was a little stressful.  This first day is always one that is a little nerve-wracking to me.  I think it is just because it is that moment of truth appointment- does everything look like it is starting to work?

Today marks the start of monitoring for Round 2.  Another round of the daily stirrup show...

I had to drive in to town today for the appointment.  I had to go in to work, then had to take off from there.  I was all packed and loaded last night, so I could leave from the office.  I ran by the store to see J and say bye for the week, but of course, they got a rush, and he and I just got a quick kiss.  Then I was a speed demon the whole way here.  I miss him already, and it was so sad not to get a real goodbye.

I got in to my appointment just in time.  I got put in the back corner room- the procedure room.  I hate the room back there because it always seems like you get forgotten about back there.  I went back and changed.  And waited...and waited...and waited.  I know that IVF is very much about the hurry up and wait, but today completely demonstrated that point.  The nurse came in, and she had a trainee with her.  She was learning to do the ultrasounds.  I didn't mind being the guinea pig at first, but then she started to make me nervous because she couldn't see many follicles.  I didn't know if it was because they weren't there and growing or if it was because she was learning.  I know it is still early, so they are small and harder to see, but I was starting to sweat the small stuff- my small follicles!  They measured everything and then told me to wait while they went to talk to the doctor.  I waited and waited...I waited so long that another nurse came back to prep the room for someone else and saw me and went to get someone.  Dr. T came in soon after that and did the ultrasound again.  He made me feel better.  He thinks we may get another 7-9 eggs (similar to last time).  It wasn't the news I was hoping for, as I was hoping for more than last time, but after the first ultrasound, I was happy for that many since they only found 4 to measure.  Dr. T did up my Menopur dosage to 3 vials in 1 cc dilutent, and Follistim stayed at 225, and Lupron at 5.  I am hoping this will make the follicles grow- and that my eggs will be strong and healthy.  I am desperately hoping and praying that we will have good fertilization and embryo growth.  And J is still hoping for some pigtails.  I just want a healthy, happy baby to come from all this, and hopefully, on our first transfer...

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