Thursday, May 15, 2014

Medications, Injections, & Mother's Day

Well, I got sick from the first antibiotic they gave me for prep on round 2.  If that is what morning sickness will be like, I am dreading it, but having a baby will be so worth it!!


Now, I am on a different antibiotic, and this one is working better.  I really look like I am sick- I take 6 pills each morning, and then with the injections, I am glad most people don’t ever see what I am taking or they would probably think I am really sick.  But I am not, just trying to have a baby!!! 
The injections are going fine, but they seemed to hurt a little more this time.  I think that maybe I just picked a few sensitive spots, or maybe I am just getting used to it again, because it is getting better.


I have been on 20 units of Lupron sine the 10th.  Nothing says Happy Mother’s Day like a shot in the leg!  Mother’s Day was a little rough, but not as bad as years past.  I haven't really written a post on it because I am trying to stay positive, and talking about it usually makes me pretty sad.  I will post one, but just not right now.  This year, I at least feel like we are moving towards me being a mom.  I wasn’t as sad, but just tired and weary knowing I would be wished “Happy Mother’s Day” and feeling the emptiness that I am not a “real” mom.


In just less than a week, I go back in for my baseline appointment, and then the Saturday after that, I start all my stims.  I am a little nervous that those may hurt a little more this time.  I don’t know if it is because I am nervous about it, or if I remember how badly I bruised and that one hurt, or what.  They did tell me that an ice pack before I give myself the injection may help me avoid some bruising, so for the Follistim and Menopur, I am going to use them (they seemed to cause more bruising than the Lupron did).     Next update coming after the baseline- hopefully, my follicles will look good!

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