Monday, October 27, 2014

Morning Not Feeling Well- It Isn't Full Sickness Yet

We have made it to 6 weeks.  I woke up today and felt an intense wave of puke coming on... I wasn't sure if I could keep it down.  But I did.  I talked myself off the edge and just laid there and let myself come down from the edge.  I know I may not always be so lucky, but this morning, I was.

I was brushing my teeth and actually gagged too.  I am hoping I won't get to the point I can't brush my teeth because I throw up.  That will be gross!

Went to work, and all was good until about 10:30.  I almost lost it again then.  I ate a few Teddy Grahams and it seemed to help a little.  I had lunch at 11:15 and still don't feel great, but do feel a little better.  BUT I AM EXHAUSTED! I seriously wanted to lay down on the filthy carpet here at work and take a nap.  This is seriously gross carpet- I am pretty sure they only vacuum once a quarter, maybe less...but I was so sleepy, it sounded like a possibly good plan.  But since we have glass doors/walls, I was worried someone would see, think I fell/passed out and try to call 911.  Wouldn't that be humiliating!! Instead, I am writing here and hoping I can get some energy from down deep!

Wednesday morning is our is at 11:30.  I am going to have to bring some snacks because I am not sure I can wait to have lunch without them.  I am hoping to also get a Smallcakes Cupcake...I love them and the last several trips I haven't gotten any, but with good news, I am going to!  A celebratory cupcake sounds fabulous!!

We are debating how long to wait to tell more people.  I am getting anxious to let it out and I think Jason is too!  Hopefully, it won't be too long!!

Friday, October 24, 2014


The waiting game in IVF is definitely one of the hardest parts.  When you first start this whole process you are scared of the shots- you see those big needles and think "Holy HELL, I have to stick myself with that!!"...and you understand why people pass out when they see needles.  But then you start giving them to yourself, or if you are lucky, you have someone who can give them to you.  You think you are going to make it through the worst part.  But then you realize you haven't even gotten to the worst part yet.

After they have done the egg retrieval, the first wait begins.  I mean you have been waiting before this, but those waits, they are nothing...they are excited waits, and the fear hasn't taken hold yet.  But after they harvest you, then the crazy starts to set in.  You start to think about and analyze what the numbers mean- did they get enough or too many?  Too few and you might not have any make it out and too many, does it mean there is something wrong?  If you are smart, you stay away from Google. But most of us are new, and we don't know, so you start Googling...and you start seeing statistics and trying to apply those to your eggs.  You hope for 60-70% fertilization rate, and more if you can get it. Then you wait for the first tell you how many made magic in the dish...

After that first call, it is more waiting..waiting to see how many grow to day 3...and what it means...what does the attrition rate of embryos mean, are my eggs bad, are my hopes and dreams over?  Then you google and wait, and each second makes you feel a little more clammy and sucks.

They call, and you get an update...some people make decisions to transfer then, but others of us, we wait it out longer...until day 5....and some of us, we wait even longer because they freeze them and run biopsies.  You wait, and you wait...and you Google.  Oh the bain of all IVF is Google!  Why the info out there can be helpful, it can be so panic inducing to see some of the tragedies of IVF and all that is out there.

When they call and give you the results of the biopsy screening, you think the worst of the waiting is over...but you are just getting started.  This has been a ramp up for the next round of waiting... and it is harder still!

If you do an FET, you realize you have a wait that is short, but scary.  The wait during the thaw...where you are waiting to hear how your little embryo or embryos survived...did they make it, are they thriving and expanding and hatching, or are they coming apart, did they just not do anything, or are they not very active and you just have to take your chances?  It it a hard wait, but luckily, a short one.  It is the only real short one you get in all this IVF mess.

Once you get the news you are moving forward on you transfer, the transfer itself goes quickly.  You would think the whole process would be slow and delicate, but it really is quite quick.  Which means it leads you to The Wait...the dreaded two week wait...

During those two weeks, you analyze every feeling, pinch, twinge, bubble, twitch, thought, and dream.  Once again, if you are new, you probably will hang out on Google.  It will give you hope and tear it away with each click.  You may be a tester...or you may be one who doesn't want to know until you have to.  My first round, i was a tester...every day, I peed in a cup and dipped my little test, and should only take a few minutes, but I waited and then saw nothing, so i waited some more...hoping beyond all hope that faint line would appear.  I took apart tests to see if the plastic casing was giving a weird reflection to prevent me from seeing it and was disappointed each day.  For 9 days I waited and tested and saw nothing.  Then, I went to have my blood drawn, and I waited to get the call to tell me my dreams for this cycle were dashed.  Then, I had to wait to try again.

I went through all the waiting again for a second FET cycle, only this time, I learned.  I stayed away from Google, and I didn't test.  I wanted to hold on to my hope that there was a chance, and each test that came back negative destroyed that hope, so I didn't test.  I waited, as patiently as i could, and then had to wait an extra day since my day 9 was on a Sunday.

That Monday, I got the best news, it was positive, and I had a good number- 166!  I was thrilled!  And then I realized I had to start waiting again!  I had to wait until Wednesday to do my repeat draw and see if it increased and doubled.  So, I waited.  And the wait for that call was excruciating.  I now had higher hopes and deeper dreams about what could be.  I waited and counted each second, and tried to stay away from the dreaded Google.  I waited and waited and tried not to panic...but your mind will do some crazy things, and you will imagine what if's like you never imagined before.  And then you get your blood taken and you wait the longest wait yet....

Those minutes or hours that you are waiting are filled with every hope and fear.  You are desperately hoping and praying for good news while being fearful and terrified of the potential for bad.  I was so lucky on my second draw this time, I had good numbers (570).  But I have seen the other side too.  Today my friend got the call it wasn't doubling and barely increased.  It means another miscarriage for her.  She has been lucky and she had a son her first round of IVF, but this is their 3rd transfer, and out of 6 embryos, only one has made it.  I am heartbroken for her.  Her wait was the worst kind.  The kind that didn't result in a wash of relief and joy.

As I sit here and wait until wednesday for our ultrasound to see if our little bean is still there, still growing, and has a heartbeat, I am terrified of the potential for heartbreak.  And I realize that the waiting with IVF doesn't least not until you deliver a healthy baby.  We will always be afraid, because most of us have seen the potential for the disaster, we have witness the great let downs, the heartbreaks, the worst.  But if we are lucky, we will make it to the the delivery of our babies and we will celebrate that we overcame all that has tried to keep us down...and in the mean time, we wait.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Waiting It Out

I am trying to be patient while I wait for the ultrasound on the 29th.  It is so very hard!!  And in the mean time, I am trying not to go nuts! I get nervous!  I am scared of something going wrong.  But I am trying to trust God and just know it will all be ok.  It is hard for me, I am a planner and like the control of knowing what is going on.  This is something far from my comfort zone, but I know pregnancy will be like this, and so will being a parent.  I guess this is part of my training...

As there is more to update, I will try and post, but right now, it is just waiting...and trying not to go crazy!!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Beta Day- Round Two

Today is Beta Day.  I once again showed up at 6 in the morning when the lab doesn't open until 6:30. I know it opens at 6:30, but I can't sleep on Beta Day.  So, I get up super early, get ready and go sit in the parking lot.  Now I wait.

I went in and it is done.  It was stressful this morning.  They called me for my paperwork and the lady kept saying Dr. T was a new doctor in their system.  I kept telling them I had been there 2 or 3 times in the last year and they managed to get him results then.  They have his info, and they have Dr. C's.  But she wouldn't use it for Dr. C.  I was getting upset.  She finally found Dr. T and then lectured me that his name was not in the system the same as the paperwork.  Umm, lady, I didn't do either!  I went back though, a very young lady took my blood, and I was out of there.  Let the nerves begin!  Off to work least it is a nice distraction.

I took the afternoon off from work.  I think it will be good for me to get to freak out in the privacy of my own home.  Because I know I will freak out.  I will freak out waiting, I will freak out when I get the news (good or bad), and I will freak out some more I am sure.  So, at least I am home!

OMG- the waiting is killing me!  It is 2 and I am DYING!!  I am really hoping Dr. T didn't call my desk phone again.  I can't get in to my voicemail at work, so I really hope not!


I answered and I was ready to cry before I even answered it.  I said "Hello", and then waited...and it was a nurse!  I got a little hopeful.  She said they got my results in, and I said ok, and she said they were positive!!!  IT WAS A POSITIVE BETA!! I started squealing, giggling, and laughing, all while crying too!  She laughed at and said my level was 161 and it was really good!  I was so excited.  Then, she said just keep it all up and we will be ok. 


I got up and went to the bathroom- I took a home test, so I could see what it looked like and felt like to have a pregnancy test come back positive!

It felting FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC! I loved it!  

So, here is my little guy...

I am going to do whatever it takes to grow him big and strong!  I cannot wait to hold him in my arms!  

Wednesday, we rerun my numbers.  Hopefully, they will have gone up and he will be growing more and more!!

So, they called back and my thyroid level is messed up.  I am going to have to start meds tomorrow for it.  I guess I get to do more blood work in my future!  But needles don't phase me if it gives me my baby!!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

A Moment of Truth...Tomorrow...

Tomorrow is Beta Day- Round 2.  I am crazy nervous right now!  I am so on edge I can hardly make it through the day.  I am hoping and praying that it will come back positive.

I have not done a home pregnancy test, and mostly stayed off of Google.  Last night, I had a dream that I broke down and took one, and it was negative.  I woke up, and I was so sad.  I finally fell back to sleep and had almost the same dream again, only this time, it came back positive.  I woke up and I was so happy, and I thought it was later in the week.  Then I realized it was early Sunday morning, and I was so sad.  I am hoping that it was a representation of the first transfer that was negative, and then this transfer, and it will be positive.  PLEASE LORD, CAN I PLEASE BE PREGNANT!!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Awash in Calm

So, somewhere in the middle of all this waiting, an overwhelming sense of peace has washed over me.  It might be denial, but it feels more like peace.  I have been praying for calmness while I wait and that my beta comes back positive.  Well, I feel calm.  I am hoping that my beta comes back positive Monday too.

I have been thinking I will only work a half day Monday- go in after my blood draw and leave at lunch since they won't get results until about noon.  Then, I can enjoy the results at home and not be a complete wreck while I wait.  I am hoping my calm will last, but I know that can be blown at any second, so I am trying to be prepared.  My hopes and prayers are that it will be good news and I will be celebrating!

Lord, I pray to you today and ask for continued peace, and that I am pregnant now and my little baby is growing inside me, and will continue to grow until it is time to deliver in June.  Please Lord, bless me with this child.  Amen!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


I am having a hard time today.  I am antsy and nervous, and it is still 5 more days until I will have results!  UGH!

But I am really struggling with something more abstract right now.  I am struggling to even imagine myself as pregnant. Or with a baby.  I am hoping it is just how I am practicing some kind of self preservation, and not a sign of something bad.  I just know I want to be a mom so bad, even if I can't imagine being pregnant, or having a baby.  Maybe it is a good thing- maybe it means I won't be hung up on an idea of how it should be and can truly enjoy it for how it is, since it is highly unlikely I will get a second chance at it.  I mean, I can imagine telling people I am pregnant, I just can't imagine myself being pregnant.  Is it weird?

Until monday, I am just praying...and praying...and praying...and hoping...beyond all hope...that I will know what being pregnant is like, and I won't have to imagine a baby because in June I will hold my baby.

TMI & Crazy- Not a Good Combo!

I am trying not to stress.  I am trying not to go nuts.  I am trying not to Google.  These are hard things.  Very hard.  Last night, I couldn't help myself and I is really TMI...but here is it (you have been warned and can look away) can you tell if it is implantation cramping or constipation.  I had some cramps and needed to poop, but they continued after I went.  I think it was a poop issue.  I wanted confirmation.  I am not sure, but I think I feel better thinking it was poop. I don't want to hang on to every what if and maybe and then be crushed if it isn't.

Today is the day implantation is supposed to be complete.  I am hoping and praying my little baby is hanging on tight in there and that I will get good news on Monday.  I am trying hard not to go crazy and stay I am listening to my "Affirmations: Post Embryo Transfer" on repeat almost all day at work.  I am not sure how crazy I would be if I weren't but I am sure it would be worse.

God- please, I am praying to you with every particle of my being, that this is my time, that my baby is growing in me, and I will deliver a healthy, happy baby in June.  AMEN!!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Post Transfer Overload

OK, so I am off bed rest now.  I am back to "normal but reduced" activity.  I am OK with this...I think.  I mean, I am not sure what "reduced" looks like...I think I am doing reduced, but maybe it is high activity compared to others, or maybe my normal is slackersville compared to others.  I don't know.  I just know I am not going to exercise, and not lift anything heavy.  I want this to work, so i will err on the side of less is better.  Jason will probably get annoyed with me!  OH WELL!!

So, some random thoughts while I was on bed rest...

These are from emails to one of my friends...

"Bedrest is bad for my wallet…I just keep shopping online!  UGH! Someone hide my wallet…and delete all my settings that have my CC info saved on my computer!  It is so bad! But it is only money and it is giving me a little relief from going cray cray while I lay here and wait…just a few more hours and then at least I am mobile.  I can do this…"

"I am off bed rest today. It was just Friday and Saturday but it was long enough for me!! Now it is just the wait. I am actually doing meditation and almost a hypnosis/positive visualization thing to try and minimize stress. Jason probably thinks I am whackadoodle and I feel like IVF has made me one crystal shy of Shannon from RHOC!! But at this point I will do almost anything!! It won't hurt anything, and I do feel less stressed so that's got to be a positive...but if I start having someone put crystals in my mouth, you have to come here and have an intervention!! Haha!! But seriously!! ☺️"

We are both fans of Real Housewives of Orange County- so that is the reference there.  

So, to get in to the details of the transfer.

We left at 7:30 in the was a little tense in the car.  I was bitchy and Jason was insensitive, which is not a good combo.  But I just put on my headphones and listened to my relaxation/hypnosis songs (not really songs, but I don't know what to call them).  I tried to focus and relax and have positive thoughts.  It calmed me down, and I just thought about all the people from the Baby Fever group who were praying for this and I prayed over and over on the way there.

We pulled over to take a bathroom break, and of course, we ran in to someone we knew headed out of town too.  Seriously?  Ugh.  A small fib about going to go shop, and we were on our way.  I hate that I have to fib so much, but I also don't want acquaintances knowing all our business.  Oh well.

We were back on the road, and I started drinking my water just as we were getting in to town.  I had talked to the nurses and decided I was only going to drink about 20 oz of water instead of the 32 oz the paperwork said.  Last time, I had to pee so much, it was awful.  We were hoping this would be just enough.

As we got in to the office, we found parking, and everything was going smoothly.  Jason was a little snippy when I mentioned something about what lane to be in, but I let it go.  I didn't want negativity to be lingering during my transfer.

We got in the office and Dr. S, my acupuncturist was there waiting.  I was signed in and we went back to the procedure room.  I got undressed as I needed, and we started the acupuncture.  Dr. T came in and told us the thaw went well, and we were good to go.  Once the acupuncture was done, they checked my bladder and the nurse said it was "perfect" to her, and she showed Dr. T and he said great.  We did the mock transfer and he said ti went great, and then they brought our little embryo in. We made the transfer and all went well.  Dr. S came back in to do the post-trasnfer treatment, and then we were done.  (Obviously, they went over paperwork, etc., but for all the procedure stuff, we were done.)

We got in the car and headed home.  We had Chick-Fil-A for lunch- not the best option, but I wanted food (I was starving), and I heart Chick-Fil-A and the joy of it should be good for my little embryo!  I wanted Smallcakes, but the fabulous icing has too much dairy and often times hurts my stomach- and I didn't want that, so I didn't ask for it!

We drove home, and let me tell you, the far back seat of the QX80 is not very comfortable for laying down in.  But I slept anyways, as the valium was working.  I listened to my affirmations and slept.  I prayed when I was lucid, and my heart called out prayers when I wasn't.  We made it home and I got in bed and slept and rested the rest of the evening.

Saturday, I woke up and moved out to the couch, it was a change and allowed Jason to sleep in some. After he got up, I went back to bed and stayed there.  About lunch time, I took a little break and sat for a few minutes and shaved my legs and underarms without showering or bathing- the razor burn was bad, don't believe the whole use baby oil and you can dry shave BURNS!  But it allowed me to skip the shower and not have major anxiety about the prickles!  I spent the rest of the time laying down and watching TV or napping.  And let's not forget, I did a lot of online shopping, as evident by my emails above!

I survived the bed rest, and now on to the waiting.  Work should be full of stuff to do, so that will help. And my rule this time- NO GOOGLING and NO HPT'S- just positive thoughts that this time it will work!

Now, I am still hoping, praying and visualizing that my little embryo is hatching and implanting.

Friday, October 3, 2014

FET 2 Is In The Books

It's done.  I am praying for good results and trying to make it through the bed rest...I will post more later.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Two More Days

We are two days out, and I am a basket case!  I can't focus, I can't remember, and I feel all out of whack.  Yesterday, I almost forgot to up my dosage of PIO.  Today, I could have sworn it was Thursday, even though I was getting up early for my Wednesday morning meeting.  I knew it was Wednesday, but I kept thinking Thursday.  I am going to lose my mind if this transfer doesn't happen soon!  I am so afraid of something going wrong...but I am praying it all goes right.  Please God, let this all go right!