Friday, October 10, 2014

Awash in Calm

So, somewhere in the middle of all this waiting, an overwhelming sense of peace has washed over me.  It might be denial, but it feels more like peace.  I have been praying for calmness while I wait and that my beta comes back positive.  Well, I feel calm.  I am hoping that my beta comes back positive Monday too.

I have been thinking I will only work a half day Monday- go in after my blood draw and leave at lunch since they won't get results until about noon.  Then, I can enjoy the results at home and not be a complete wreck while I wait.  I am hoping my calm will last, but I know that can be blown at any second, so I am trying to be prepared.  My hopes and prayers are that it will be good news and I will be celebrating!

Lord, I pray to you today and ask for continued peace, and that I am pregnant now and my little baby is growing inside me, and will continue to grow until it is time to deliver in June.  Please Lord, bless me with this child.  Amen!

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