Friday, June 6, 2014

Making a Baby

I called in for the fertilization report...and we have 3 fertilized eggs.  I was a little crushed by it.  I was at work, so I tried not to think about it too much.  I just had hoped for more.  I am really worried about the attrition rate of them, and whether or not we will have any make it.  Today is a tough day.  I will have my pity party today, then back to cautiously optimistic tomorrow.  Prayers will be said...ALOT.  I did talk to one of my nurses, and she told me I can call in on Monday for an update on the little embryos.  2 of them looked to fertilize and do nothing, and one totally broke apart, so maybe by Monday we will see some activity out of the 2...and hopefully, those 3 will still be growing strong!!

On a side note, I talked to the IVF coordinator, and got the transfer set up.  August 6th is my day.  I am excited, but nervous too.  And a little nervous about the progesterone in oil shots...those are some BIG needles!!

More to come.

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