Monday, December 8, 2014

Sugar, Sugar

Well, I have been bad at updating my progress!!  Oops!  Something about growing a tiny human inside of me has made it harder to have the energy to do everything I would like!

So, to catch up...I am officially off all my fertility meds!  Woohoo!  The weaning process was short and my body cooperated!  I had my last appointment with the RE on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving!  I am officially an infertility clinic graduate!  Yay!  And to be honest, I don't think that Jason and I will be back, except to visit and show off the belly and the baby!

After the great news at my Wednesday appointment, we told the boys and Jason's mom.  And now we are telling everyone.  It is exciting to get to share the news with people!  I am hoping to be able to post it soon to Facebook and Instagram and then it will be out for the world to know!

I have been feeling pretty good, and have just been trying to enjoy being pregnant, although I would say that the first trimester is probably the hardest to just enjoy! I am so excited, but you don't really look pregnant, and I have been so tired, that it just seems like it is a dream some times.  I think once the baby bump is really super popping (you know when people/strangers know you are pregnant and not just getting fat), and you can start feeling them move and all, then it will be more real, and easier to enjoy! Plus, I hear you get some extra energy in the 2nd ti...

I am already nesting...I want to clean up and clean out!  I want everything just is way early, and I can only imagine how much worse it might get.

Today, I am at the lab, I am having my first glucose tolerance test done...can I just say YUCK?  I mean, the solution is not as bad as the colonoscopy prep solution, it is kind of like the nasty orange drink they served you in elementary school at parties- super sugar syrupy...and since I was on mostly water until my stomach started feeling queasy and then only drink Sprite/7up (and that feels super sugary), it was a shock to the system.  But I got it down.  Now I am waiting.

Tomorrow we tour the first hospital birthing center.  Based on how we feel about it, we might tour the hospital in the next big town over.  I have heard the second one is much nicer but I am not sure if I want to deal with changing doctors, etc.  It will depend on what we see, I guess.

Ok, I am just sitting here, waiting, processing sugar, and hoping everything looks stellar!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jess. So my pumping schedule is at home in the morning around 6am. Then around 10am and 2/3pm-ish at work. Sometimes I pump at 5/6pm either at work or right when I get home. Then pump right before bed at 9/10ish. If I wake up earlier, I pump earlier and if the schedule gets off…I just try to make sure I fit in 4-5 pumping sessions spread out through the day. Good luck with your pumping.
